You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > 1.9.4. Reports - Inventory Reports > Inventory Reports - Top Item Sales

Inventory Reports - Top Item Sales

The Top Item Sales report shows a company's top selling items based on either sales quantity or value. Alternatively, you can print the report based on profit value, gross profit percentage, or usage quantity. You can specify a range of items, product categories or classes, and/or a specific warehouse. You can also use this report to print the lowest selling items.


Micronet displays the Print Top Item Report screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Order of Processing

Select the order in which you want the report sorted. Options are:

  • Item Sort - sort by item ID
  • Category Sort - sort by product category
  • Class Sort - sort by class.


Starting / Ending Item

To include specific items in the report, enter or select the IDs of the starting and ending items. Leave these fields blank to include all items.


Starting / Ending Category

To include specific product categories in the report, enter or select the IDs of the starting and ending product categories. Leave these fields blank to include all product categories.


Starting / Ending Class

To include specific classes in the report, enter or select the IDs of the starting and ending classes. Leave these fields blank to include all classes.



To include a specific warehouse in the report, enter the warehouse ID. Leave this field blank to include all warehouses.


Number of Items

Enter the number of items you want to limit your report to. For example, if you enter 20, Micronet only includes the top (or bottom) 20 selling items in the report.


Type of Report

Select whether you want the Top or Bottom selling items.


Processing order

Select the basis on which you want the top (or bottom) items calculated. Options are:

  • Sales Quantity - the greatest (or least) quantity of items sold
  • Sales Value - the greatest (or least) value of items sold
  • Profit - the greatest (or least) profit on items sold
  • GP% - the greatest (or least) gross profit percentage on items sold
  • Usage Quantity.


Number of Months

Enter the number of months over which you want item sales reported. The default is 13 but you can change this.


Selection Range

These fields allow you to be even more selective about the data you choose to report on. For example, DBT_BRANCHCODE is the field name for Branch Code in the debtor files. If you were to enter a branch code in both Starting and Ending fields, Micronet would show you the top (or bottom) selling items for that branch only.

  1. Select the Process button.

Micronet displays the Select Output Device screen.

  1. Select whether you want the report displayed on screen, printed, saved to a specific type of file, faxed, or emailed in a specific format.



For more details on these options, refer to "Selecting the Output for Inquiries and Reports".

Micronet prints or displays the Top Selling Items Report.

Top Selling Items Report